Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Your Arms Around Me.

Hope Everyone had a SpookHappy Halloweekend!!! I'm sad it's over, but it was so much fun. Halloween Is My Absolute Favorite. I don't remember if I mentioned it on here, and you may have heard some rumors that I was going to be SQUINTS from the Sandlot for Halloween, but after I found the perfect auburn wig....I decided on Ethel Merman. Some people didn't know who I was (dammit our generation!!), but I had the most fun anyways. This was the first year in about 3 years that I dressed as a girl for Halloween. What can I say? I make a cute fella too. I sang so many old songs this weekend. Sorry when we hung out I couldn't remember all the words, Carl. There was some rum in my belly. Not as much as in Andy's though. "I want to talk to literature about somebody." Haha.

My art history teacher said I looked "like a John Waters movie." I can't decide if that's a compliment or not. I AM DIVINE (for you three John Waters nerds out there that will get that.) Hah!

Mamabird drew up the back of my legs with a sharpie to give the illusion of stockings (it took me til today to get that damn black line off) and I made my petticoat out of some old curtains (I wore it under my dress with suspenders so I wouldn't lose them during the night. Haha). Apparently it is beyond our society now-a-days to make a petticoat that will go past your ass. Mine needed to go to my knees. I was, afterall, playing the role of a 1940's broadway star and socialite lady. Sheesh. [Photo by the lovely Miss Kaycee - I didn't even know she took this until I looked at the pictures on her camera.]
...And just because I'm trying to become more comfortable with how beautiful I am (or at least saying it. The confidence thing I am not so good at.) - here are some cutesy pictures of me. Is that lace? Scandalous. Some people thought that wig was my real hair. Even though it has a plastic shine. Good job, Everyone. It alllmmoossst made me miss my long hair, but I loved going back to my rock n' roll short hair.

Progress is going slower on the big sculpture, but that's expected because I have to clean it up and make it presentable. It may be put on hold for a bit as I just recently learned how to weld. I love sculpture class so much. I am taking the exact same class next semester for another 3 credits. Did I mention that I scheduled the other day? My second-to-last-semester of college ever. Weird. Scary. Happy Dance.

In other news, I recently acquired semi-contact information for Kiki Smith and I am going to send her a letter about how much I love her work and a couple questions picking her brain. Must. Be. Brave. I'll let you know how it goes.

In 5 days (technically 4 now) I leave for Chicago with my favorite art friends to attend National Graduate Portfolio Day. Holy Shit Yay!! More on that later. Here's some pep for your step:

I can sound JUST like her. I swear. Ask around.

Grant Lee Buffalo (now Grant Lee Phillips. For you Gilmore Girls nerds out there - he was the town troubadour.). I love him.

Making hats to keep my head warm in Chicago this weekend.

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