...So I'm still working on mischief that I can't fully be honest with you about until after tonight. I also probably won't be able to post again until the end of this week-ish. Busy week ahead. We got major mischief to be made (Tonight), Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday is my beautiful friend Carl's birthday. And you know, of course, his party is going to be TMNT. I call Donatello!
3 weeks til school and I could NOT be more excited.
Here's my Fall 2011 Schedule:
Fibers [class of all yarn & thread all the time. It should just be called "Katie" the class]
Sculpture II [I'm going to see about learning to weld, make furniture, and work with wood]
Survey of Asian Art History [Art History.....DROOL]
Independent Study [Being graded for doing my own shit - WIN.]
So, yesterday I found out some tragic news. First of all the lead singer of the 1960s band America passed in his sleep at 60 (he lived in Missouri - who knew?). RIP Dan Peek. Secondly, I tore up heaven and earth (my room) looking for my poetry notebook - my partner in crime, my composition, Harriet the Spy-esque book which I'd been writing in for about 9 months only to find out that the little kitten knocked it into my trashcan (she likes to do this with my books sometimes, rubs her head against them until they fall from my side table) and Mamabird collected the trash the next day and - you guessed it - they collected it that same day.
[this is going to be the title of my new notebook, which my brother said he is going to pick out - cause he's a sweetie]
It was about half full. I was going to get it published.
Needless to say I cried, Mamabird cried - yesterday was a weird fucking day. It still hurts my heart to think about it. Just laying there. With garbage.
In good news, however, 3 poems from it were saved onto my computer about a month ago because I sent them to Poetry Magazine (only for them to be rejected). I am going to put one (if not all) of these on my POETRY page - a picture of my lost notebook can be seen at the top of the page. Sigh. I guess I really am the sensitive artist type. I could cry right now if I think about it too hard. But then I think about something my friend Dylan (who is going to be known for writing someday, he's amazing) said to me and I feel better,
"When words are lost remember you will always find them again because they were yours, and remember they will be better, for you are better and always will be."
Currently re-reading Ryan Adams' 2009 poetry book Infinity Blues.
may you always win
for thick claws
and soft skin
dry tears
out the window with my face
on the sky
and what is now left of the wind
the wind of gone."
...is it bad that I keep really thinking about going to the city dump with rubber boots & gloves and looking for my notebook? I already have some volunteers. Anybody else?!
Gotta remember, dreamers, chin up - art is in the heART.
On the banned literature front, the Vonnegut Memorial Library is offering free copies of Slaughterhouse-Five to any student at Republic. Five dollar donations help stick it to the book burners.